Welcome to the first blog post!

Hi! I am Christian Nissen the author of this blog, I have thought for some time now, that we the users of Nedis-products would need a forum to assemble a community.

To spread knowledge of HOW to use all the cleverness of many of these products, so badly expressed with their all to thin documentation. I think especially of how to make full use of the “Smart scenes“. However being a programmer since the 70-ies, I have to experiment and find my way through “trial and error” every time! Different Nedis even use the smart scenes in various ways, no standard seems to exist here? What functions are available to program in various products? I have no idea from the documentation? Lets get together and sort this out by using the expertise of all You users! With examples and notes. This will become a thread of its own in the Forum-section of this blog. Become a member today! Its of course free….

I have quite many Nedis-cameras of three types, two of them rely on installed microSDHC-memorycards to store events and recordings. I have tried all sorts of speeds and classes of such cards, recommended by Nedis-support, but they never work stable. I have never heard of products that can´t cope with various memorycards?, as long as they are speedy enough, to record in the tempo the unit tries to feed the info? Except for Nedis cameras then… Nedis support claims now, that ONLY their own make, can be expected to work stable with their cameras!? Of which nothing of course is written in their sales-material… I think Nedis ows the users, to upgrade the soft/firmware, enabling most microSDHC-cards to work! Especially as the Nedis-cards are very hard to come by in the normal channels, leaving just a few e-shops far away, to supply them at cost and time. What do You think? What is Your experience? Please write a comment!