
WIFIP130FWT3 Non IP plug 2500W





The plug is controlled by the Nedis Smart Life Internet mobile app, but can also be switched on/off manually on the plug, as seen above on the plugs side.

The appointment and timer switches of the Nedis Internet Mobile app, can be used to switch the power on/off at certain times.

Why it has NOT the same functionality like WIFIPO120FWT with a programmable scheduling of on/off and notification when its switches, I just don´t know? In my view they COULD and SHOULD be the same, except for the power statistics (as that funtions is not included in this cheaper plug).



I have about ten of these plugs! Easy to setup and very reliable. Though only for indoor use and NOT with energy measurement. Use the button on the plugs side to toggle it on/off when not using the app.

I always use one for each remote camera installation both of Nedis and my older D-link cameras. Why? Because cameras for some reason have a tendency of ""hanging"" every now and then. Latest now at the update of my pan and tilt camera WIFICO20CWT.

After looking at ""offline message"" in the update firmware window of the app in the mobile for 5 mins, I just cut its power with this plug for a min and then cold-reboot the camera agan by turning on the power via the plug again. Saves me a trip to my countryhouse of 150 km´s return!

I also use the plug to control an electric heat radiator as a back up for the heat pump in my summer house. All other electric heating is thus turned off to save energy, still retaining safety of heating IF the heat pump fails.


Smart! I have been irritated over cameras that sometimes hangs for mysterious reasons.

A cheap smartplug like You describe will fix that. Especially valuable when the camera is not so easy to access.


Hi there!

I’m a new lover of the Nedis system with all kind of equipment bought…

Everything works great, but, not the Smart Plugs (bought 3-packs from Bauhaus)…

The problem is that the Smart Plugs goes Offline after I shut them off once - in the same time, I never disconnect them from the wall - have reset them several times, but, it goes offline and can’t be reached from the Nedis Smartlife app…

Any solution on that?

Thanks in advance!

/Erik from Sweden


Hi Erik!

There are two ways of turning these plugs on/off, by the button on the side of the plug and through the Nedis mobile app.

I am not sure how the app reacts if You turn them off by the physical button on the plugs side?

But I have never experienced any problem with controlling them through the app. Are You using the Nedis app or the generic app, that can control many IOT´s among them Nedis stuff? I use the Nedis Android app from Google store on my mobile phone.


Christian - I never shut them off with the button on the plug, I mean when I switched them of with my iPhone/iPad they then go offline and can’t go to ”wake up” - have to reinstall them…

Something must be broken - the software, or, the hardware (two out of three plugs seems to be broken)…


It seems to be relative to broken devices - the three-pack with Smartplugs Nedis - two out of three is disconnecting/goes offline, but, when I changed to plug #3 it seems to be OK…?

perhaps an refund on everything on Bauhaus…