
Sensor and app


Diabetics that have to prick their fingers, for blood many times a day, as well as carrying around the bloodtest equpiment would benefit greatly from this technology. A sensor that glues to Your skin and records the bloodsugar levels every few minutes, polling them to Your mobile every 8 hours or less. Sharing Your data with Your physician or experts over the Internet if You wish so.

Setting warnings for low or high levels in good time for taking actions for diabetics.

Abbot Freestyle sensor and app

I am not diabetic and has no family history of diabetes. So my interest was purely scientific. I wanted to see when and why my bloodsugar varied.

What I saw was that my levels went UP after hard work! Most people would lower their bloodsugar with hard work.  The explanation is stress hormone, that sets sugars free from the liver to the blood stream. My lowest levels came in the morning just before breakfast.  All was very consistent day by day over the test period of a fortnite.

I also tried to provoke the system, by eating a double portion of dinner, having a beer and finishing with 200 grams of chocolate bar. Of course the levels where a bit higher than after a normal meal, but normalised again quickly.

Highly recommended both for diabetics and for those that wants to rule diabetes out.


I tested it too. Abbot had a "test for free for two weeks" that I ordered.

Worked like a dream and assured me that my medication was correct and working.


Lene Schwalbe