
Scenes in app?


The app of Qlima AC/VP´s is a licensed Tuya app, with some specific functionality.

The Tuya std-app can´t be used and the Qlima-app can´t be used for other equipment than Qlima´s.

The Qlima-app HAS the "Scenes-button" just like std Tuya has. But does it work?

The Tyua-app has the logic "IF some value is reached THEN do some selected command", like "IF indoor temp bigger than 22C THEN turn AC on set to 17C" but where is the "IF" test in the Qlima-app?

I select "Scenes" and then the object I would like to make the scene for.

I set the device to "ON" and "Confirm" but where is the "IF" test??

This is what it looks like, but it can´t even be saved?

The only way I can make it work is to select more than one pump and set the same command for both? Not much of logic there? Just saving a click or two when I want then same setting for both pumps....

Is this the intention or is it a bug?