
Qlima SC-JA2519


I am using these combined heatpumps and AC since over a year back, with good result. Can be recommended at their good price/performance.

Just be aware of that its ONLY the "SC"-models that can be installed without special equipment like connector-adapters, vacuumpumps and gasfillers. The "S"-models should NOT be considered by people without wide experience of installing such machines. On top of that many countries have today various local restrictions of installing heatpumps with classified gasmedia, like R32 (in this case). Such restrictions usually means You are restricted to use certified AC-installers, up to doubling the cost, of just buying the equipment. Not that its needed, these prefilled models with special gastight connectors can be connected without risk for leakage by almost anyone, IF they read the manual and follow its steps carefully. Sadly many consumers neglect this, which is why certification of the isnatller is required in many countries.

These machines are using Tuyas Wifi-connections and a modified SmartLife app, with Qlima modified api´s that is not compatible with other Tuya hardware, branded or non-branded.

Two Qlima VP i different locations

However You will feel at home with Qlimas SmartLife-app too, with same logics, however other specific functions!


This is an example of how to mount this machine on an outer wall, notice the vibrationdamping rubberfeet and the black weatherproofing roof.


The machine does NOT have built-in energy measurement. So this is accomplished by an IOT powerplug monitored by the standard Tuya-app.

Where You can monitor the powerusage, in real time, day by day, month by month or the total.


I have one of these Qlima heatpumps/AC since about a year back. Excellent value and quite easy to install!

The Tuya-powered-app is working well, but has a few weaknesses, just as You say it should, but can´t be programmed with anything useful with the macro-programming tool usually active in the Tuya-app.

Also the testfunction in the app, has no explanation what som ever. I got when it was the warmest last summer a message 90 - when using AC-function. But what does it mean? and what should I do about it?

There are 112 possible error messages of the test-function, I want a list explaining each of them.

I tested for leaks when installing the machine and found no one. But if there is a very, very small leak? Is there a function that could warn if the coldmedia is getting smaller (thus indicating a leak) over long time?

Thanks for an excellent blog on IOT´s Christian!

Robert from Bialystok