
Facts on the Matter-standard


The need for a standard is obvious, when You find that You need several different apps to control Your IOT´s and that they cant´s communicate with each other. Like a Nedis alarm can´t turn on a Philips light. The standard i once again delayed, so Nedis has an excellent opening to become a member of the standardization group to influence. Hoping that they won´t miss this opportunity!?

Matter (

Matter (standard) - Wikipedia



I will stop buying IOT´s until I can freely mix cheap products with specialized ones under ONE app.

As it is now the standard seems to be supported only by companies with more expensive products, it would be an open goal for Nedis to fill the space for the more affordable IOT´s.

Eagarly awaiting Nedis response!


It seems that the Matter Standard or standard issues in general, are not Nedis responsibility as they just buy branded OEM-products from Tuya.

So from now on, we will move this issue to Tuyas table.

Their strategy as already members of the Matter Standard Group will be most interesting. They are de facto the biggest supplier of IOT´s to the world market today, with all their products under the SmartLife-standard.

What they decide will probably have a major impact on the future of IOT´s.