
6 Lines ECG with mobile app


Many people have "flutter" or arrythmia in their heart rythm, from time to time, something that COULD be dangerous and actually threaten their lives.

So an FDA-approved mobile and affordable ECG,  should be interesting for many people.

You hold the sensor between Your fingertips on to Your thigh and record.

Again my interest was merely scientific. The sensor is so small that it fits in Your pocket. Its is highly advanced in that its a 6L or 6 Lines detector, making it far more accurate than 1 line detectors. It detects Afib, Bradycardia, Tachycaria as well as diagnosing normal heart rhytm.

The sensor connects in real time to Your mobile via bluetooth and to Your physician or experts via Internet.

The strong point is of course that You can check the heart rythm WHEN You feel some "flutter" and not just taking it at Your doctors (when symptoms almost never shows up). ACors AI then detects and diagnose arrythmia when it detects it.

A premium investment into Your health. Highly recommended!





I didn´t even know this existed as an IOT and app, before I came across this excellent blogpost!

I think it saved my life, as it indeed captured infrequent "heart-flutter" of my heart that never showed up at my visits to my doctors. I am now aware of my condition and take medication for it.

Highly recommended if You have the slightest heartcondition!
