Nedis server crashed

Starting this evening – there is no access, at least for me and my account of the IOT´s via my Android-app?

Anybody else who has this problem?

Checking with my two other Android-devices with the Nedis-app installed to the same account. Tells me I am logged out. Logging in gives the errormessage “server busy”.

But I still get push-notices and alarms from the IOT´s set to send messages when triggered.

The problem is reported to Nedis-support.


Following came from Nedis support just now:

Sales Support Center / Technical Support

Oct 4, 2021, 8:59 GMT+2 Thank you for your reply.

There was a large server issue last night
Everything is back up and running since 03:00hr CET
If you are having trouble connecting try restarting the app and your devices.

Kind regards

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