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I am Christian Nissen and I love using blogs, to get people that have something in common together! 

This users blog started out as Nedisusersblog.com, Nedis being one of the major European brands using Tuya products. At the time I did not know about Tuya as an OEM to Nedis.

After about a year building relations to users all over the world, I finally understood this relation and decided to expand the usersblog to ALL Tuya OEM users brands.

I just copied the Nedisusersblog over to Tuyausersblog.com, with all posts, forum threads and likes. It will take me some time to convert all pages to the more general Tuya-format, so bear with me for some time!

IOT´s is the generic term for InternetOfThings and its devices. Tuya is a major OEM-supplier of IOT´s, under the trademark SmartLife. There are many different categories, like cameras, sensors, net-plugs, heaters, thermostats, alarms, locks, AC´s, lamps and ever more to come! Tyua IOT´s usually does not speak to other vendors of IOT´s, like Xiaomi, Samsung, Apple and others. This means that a Tuya alarm-sensor usually can NOT activate an Apple-lamp or siren. Most vendors uses this strategy to make customers buy ONLY their products as long as they can.

Tuya is probably the IOT-manufacturer with the broadest product range in the world today, with thousands of products in tens of categories. They sell their products to other companies who brands them with their own trademark, into their own IOT-systems, like: Nedis, Orange, Lidl, Siemens, Philips, Schneider and others, however mostly compatible with each other even across the brands! Some, if not all of these, work together through the Tuya SmartLife app, IF the brands have not tampered with the software NOT to be compatible…. sadly sometimes true….

No one would accept that only Mercedes gasoline works with their cars, or that only Apple-mail software can read e-mail sent with Apple-mail! Right?

This makes the Tuya- family of products, maybe the ONLY de facto standard today, awaiting the standard to form within the Matter-standard Alliance, which might take some years….with hundreds of members like Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Google, Texas Instruments, Huawei, Axis, Assa Abloy, D-link, LG, IKEA, Panasonic, Bosch, Siemens, Tesla, TP-links, Tuya, Xiaomi and Z-wave, many with their own agenda.

This blog is meant to gather users of Tuya branded IOT´s, to present new products, to test them to help the users choose the best products for them, to share their aggregate knowledge of these products, tips and tricks,, as well as to warn for bugs and show how to work around them, while awaiting their fixes.

Also its meant to be a contact surface to Tuya, for reporting of systematic bugs and to suggest improvements, thus giving weight from the collective of users towards Tuya to correct them.

This is my 8:th blog. All my blogs are listed below.

  1. www.drc.one was my first blog, it is about getting Your HiFi-system sounding “like a million bucks” by signalcorrection with inverse digital filters, today common in many better amps.
  2. www.rationellametoder.se this is my business site, dealing with rational methods for problem-, decision-, risk- and situation-analysis, nowdays converted into a blog. In swedish.
  3. www. rationell-riskhantering.one promoting quantitative riskanalysis in aworld full of risks! In swedish.
  4. www.radonbloggen.one dealing with the problems of radioactive radongas in indoor air and private waterwells. In swedish.
  5. www.nedisusersblog.one is gathering users of Nedis IOT-products, like cameras, sensors, powerplugs in a forum.
  6. www.tuyausersblog.com is gathering users of Tuya IOT-products, like cameras, sensors, powerplugs in a forum. Tuya being an OEM to many companies like the above Nedis.
  7. www.solpanelerochbatterilager.se A “one stop shop” for knowledge about solar energy, energy storage (battery tanks) and solar economy for everyone. In Swedish, but Google translate works quite well for this blog. Probably the broadest and deepest in the world!
  8. www.lidingo-civil.se Lidingö Civilförsvarsförening, the link between the military defence of Sweden and the local civil society. In swedish.
Mobile App-logos
for Tuya´s IOT´s